Esh band (Russia)

Esh band

Tuesday, 20 february 2018, 20:30
FROM 600

The Brazilian jazz, which is performed in Portuguese, is an exotic phenomenon for Russia. Even though interest in Latin America made the region’s music popular around the world, the Brazilian bossa nova is “terra incognita” for the Russian audience. It is somewhat unusual granted the music we play is far from elitist—it is democratic and accessible to everyone.
So what kind of music does “Esh” perform?
It is not bossa nova in a traditional sense. Rather, it is a combination of subtle and refined rhythms of Brazilian samba and bossa nova, pierced with effervescent jazz improvisations; it is a charming voice our vocalist and, finally, a unique sound of songs in Portuguese, which resembles the chirm of exotic birds and the splash of the ocean in far away Brazil. 
Their repertoire includes classic Brazilian jazz, arrangements of Antonio Carlos Jobim’s songs, many of which are unknown in Russia, and our own songs composed in Portuguese.